Pauline Lott was an unwed mother who was taken into custody by Mississippi Welfare Departmentin 1941.The welfare department was to pay for her medical and birthing costs as long she gave up her son for adoption.
Lott agreed. She dressed her baby in blue clothes and gave him to his new parents. The foster parents decided to retain the boy’s name, Charles Bruce Pate.
Years later, Lott would hope to find her son. Pate wished to meet his birth mom.
Pate landed on He found the obituary of his mother’s twin brother, Jessie Paul Lott. Her mother was on the list of surviving family members. Following the lead, Pate tracked Lott’s nephew who connected him with his mom.
For the first time in 73 years, Pate and his birth mother met. Pate got the chance to kiss his mother on the cheek. They now speak daily on the phone. Pate has the both of best worlds. His birth mom and adoptive parents appreciate the love and the new bond.
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