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How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly You may know that prescription internal drugs for toenail fungus may harm your l...

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

You may know that prescription internal drugs for toenail fungus may harm your liver and other organs. But, doctors (MDs, etc.) can not "prescribe" home remedies or over the counter (OTC) meds, but hot Epsom salts made with vinegar is the one you can choose for yourself.
The toenail fungus is often too deeply ingrained to be cured by OTC creams or painted on treatments. Hardly can any smear on, liquid or salve, get under or through the nail or deeply into a colony of fungi "bunkered" under a perfect cover. Killing it around the edges is not very useful, as it is probably getting spread wider and deeper, under the nails.
So here is an inexpensive, fast remedy!


How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Wash your feet and toes before soaking them in the mixture described as follows.
  • Diabetic persons should treat fungi under a doctor's supervision.

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Soak your toes in a very-warm to hot mixture of 1/4 cup (60cc) of Epsom salts granules added into a pint (1/2 liter) of full strength white vinegar (tilt your container to only cover the toes) or double all ingredients if desired.
  • Soak for 30 minutes each night (or up to two or three times per day -- if you are desperate). Do this for a week or two (for more economy consider saving and reusing the mixture of vinegar-salts for soaking repeatedly, if your feet are clean each time, and freshen it up with a little new vinegar and Epsom salts.)
  • If you'd like, you could filter it through old tee shirt material to remove settled out salts, etc.

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Loosen and treat existing fungus, gradually, under your toenails. Begin killing it the first time, and continue about a week or several weeks, depends on depth and extent of infection.

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Watch your nail fall off (coming loose similarly to how a scab loosens when soaked), in the mixture, after a week or more, with once daily soaking, if fungi have undermined your complete toenail.    

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Rub, gently scratch out and scrape any dead skin and fungus off/out of your fungus-toenail area while it is soft from soaking.
  • If it is too sore, wait a few sessions before removing nail debris, loosened dead skin.
  • If the nail is very thick, file and scrape it to be very thin, gently, without injuring yourself, to allow the vinegar mix to penetrate more effectively.

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Dry your toes thoroughly after washing or soaking them; do this before putting on your shoes (with clean socks, if you can).
  • Air dry your feet, if you have time. The fungus really love moist skin, damp soaks/shoes and nails, allowing toenail fungus to get its "foothold" originally or repeatedly.

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Repeat the soakings about one or two times per week until all nails grow back (eventually).    

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Continue to "air" your toes without shoes or with sandals (and clean soaks), letting your feet breath (dry), preventing sweaty feet, as much as possible.    

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Inexpensively and Quickly

Prevent regrowth, of once-cured fungus, on toes and under your toenails, continuing to medicate and/or seal completely dried toes;
  • Foot powder, anti-fungal cream
  • Greasy Vapor Rub, such as Vick's VapoRub(TM) or Mentholatum(TM) (it can make your socks look dirty), or
  • Nail sealer/skin coating, or "artificial skin" type of product.
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