Home » , , , » As a man is dying, a stranger steals his beloved dog by inside editoon

it's a moment of crisis a man walking his dog has collapsed he's behind the dumpster and total  strangers are rushing to ...

As a man is dying, a stranger steals his beloved dog by inside editoon

it's a moment of crisis a man walking his dog has collapsed he's behind the dumpster and total
 strangers are rushing to his aid but
now look something shocking is about to happen this young woman is walking away with the stricken man's dog it's a chihuahua the
little guy looks back at his master as he's being taken away bystanders helped with CPR  medical was called to the scene our fire
department did everything they could unfortunately during all that somebody stole his dog the stricken man was identified as Robert
Corby aged 59 he suffered a seizure and died at the hospital in Longmont Colorado his niece Kelly could not believe it when police
showed her the surveillance tape how low can you go they showed me surveillance of her holding his leash and I did not recognize her
people wanted to help they felt bad for the family I mean you just lose your loved one and now you've got their dog has also been
stolen but you know what they say about karma just a few days after she strolled off with a dying man's dog the suspect was found
sleeping in a truck she allegedly stole 30 year-old melody melon was arrested but Chihuahua named Sampson was found alive and
well you could tell the dog was really excited to be back with his family he was jumping on him licking them all in the face he gets a
clean bill of health from the veterinarian as far as his overall condition goes he looks great they even took Sampson to the funeral
home to say goodbye to his master he sat on the casket for a little while I felt like he needed the closure but it also was a good
opportunity for us to have closure you 


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